10 / 17 / 2014

“Installation Part 1: Trieste.”




Dear Kate,

Past weeks have been intense, our installation is finally visible in the Largo E.A. Mario in Trieste. Thanks for such a wonderful team work.

It is possible to see the intervention from several angles, in front of the charismatic Museum Revoltella, the square is often visited by a great number of people. The other day I stayed there for hours, observing the reaction towards the piece. The observers seem to be interested, approaching and touching our rock fragment with respect. I am very happy and emotional for the result.

Now our “Rose of the winds” is finally exposed to a broad public. Let’s see what the public space and the weather do to it, the piece is now waiting for a new semantic, the context will certainly give a new perspective to our thoughts. I am hoping for a very rich experience.

Soon the installations in Graz and Sarajevo will follow; I am already excited to see how the context changes the approach to the piece.

On the Italian invitation it is possible to read:


venerdì 17 Ottobre, ore 18.00

Largo E.A. Mario, Trieste


Artist talk:

sabato 18 Ottobre, ore 18.30

MLZ Art Dep, via Galatti 14, Trieste


The work will be standing till the 16th of November.