09 / 10 / 2014

“Recording the palimpsest”


Dear Kate,

Silkscreen seems to be an adequate solution for our base. The jute material that will cover the sand-sacks is asking desperately for an image imprint. We could certainly over-impose the scanned results of our findings. We could arrange the communication letters between the cities one on top of each other, till they accumulate in a palimpsest. The stories will thus also superimpose, creating a surface of new material. Reading is perhaps no so important, I am not sure if legibility is a major issue.


The images look better in print as expected. The silkscreen is crisp and focused; it is also possible to read some fragments. The usage of two coulors gives life to the silkscreen process and somehow also deepness to the sack. The final product is so fine and very subtle. Each printed surface is unique. We are making 120 sacks, all handmade, all particular. 40 for each city, 40 original silkscreened surfaces that will change the semantic of the place; 120 parts that form a gigantic structure, just possible to put together in the mind.
